I was a super nerd growing up (still am).
All I wanted to do was watch cartoons and draw 'em.
I loved cartoons that were based on personalities - iconic characters, even if they weren't fully animated.
I was especially obsessed with the Flintstones and not only drew them
but acted out stories about them in the back yard with my neighbors,
Jeff and Phil. I actually got in trouble for it once.
I used to explain how the different styles worked to my friends who stared at me like I was nuts. "Who the f' cares, Falusi??"
The Chipmunks for some reason were on Sunday mornings in Ottawa,
sandwiched in between in all the boring Jesus shows. It was extremely
limited but very creative and whimsical. And of course the music and
soundtracks were great. I don't know what the heck happened to them in
the 80s. They became preachy and depressing and hideously drawn.
Bobby Bigloaf is a character that is a fanboy but of the kind that
wishes he could draw but instead chooses the easier route - to write.
There is a new kind of rare fanboy, encouraged by the internet, somewhat
like Bobby, only much angrier, a very strange sort of genetic defect
that luckily doesn't have chance of breeding.
I loved Disney animation as a kid but never really got into the
characters. It just seemed like beautifully abstract motion and I was
mesmerized by it.
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